They lost their son Help Andre & Fabio have a baby
They lost their son Help Andre & Fabio have a baby
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Andrea Albarran is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello Welcome to “OUR STORY”
We are ANDREA and FABIO, we tell you that among our plans it was always our priority to build a beautiful family or what is the same to become parents, we were trying for two years without any success, but God performed the miracle of getting pregnant for us. Unfortunately I lost it on June 28, 2020 the day before my birthday. Trusting in God we continue to insist. I got pregnant again in the month of August 2020 and we were again filled with great happiness for this new opportunity. My pregnancy was magical, I never felt bad and there was never any indication that a mishap could happen on the contrary, the doctors who monitored my pregnancy said that everything was excellent.
Eventually Leonardo Donato was born, on April 27, 2021, the most beautiful sensation that a human being can feel. Hearing him cry, my husband and I really knew what happiness is and once again we thanked God for the miracle of life. Unfortunately, that happiness was tarnished since on the second day of Leonardo’s birth he began to complicate in an accelerated way and his health was complicated until he became very critical. The baby had a genetic metabolic condition called OTC deficit, a little-known condition that is only detected after birth.
There are very rare cases and thank God they do not occur so frequently, this happens one in a million, but it was our turn. Due to this disease, our Leo died in my arms a few days after he was born, not before fighting his battle, but God had other plans for him.
To understand what happened, we had to undergo a series of studies where it was determined that I AM ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIER OF THE OTC DEFICIT GENE, the human being has a small amount of ammonia to destroy the excess protein in the body, Leo when ingesting its first proteins produced a fatal outcome, its ammonium levels went from 3,4,5 to 2,500. Ammonia is toxic and in excess it leads to death.
Leonardo had to undergo many dialysis to clean his blood and his heart did not hold.
We went to a Genetics specialist and he told us that because I have this condition (being a carrier of the gene) I should not get pregnant naturally, since the possibility of this happening again is 50/50. Because it is such a heartbreaking pain and loss we believe that we could not bear it again and risk becoming pregnant again naturally, it is not recommended by the specialist, he insists that we must do an IN VITRO FERTILIZATION .. And that way we can have our baby without any risk.
In addition to this, my husband Fabio also had a very serious motorcycle accident in which he had multiple fractures and is still in rehabilitation without being able to return to work. Leo’s hospitalization was very expensive $ 436,000 although we have insurance they have not yet told us if they will cover the entire bill. And absolutely nothing of the invitro process is covered by insurance.
We really dream of being parents and the INVITRO is our only opportunity, for this reason we come to you to support us, thanking you in advance for your collaboration. God bless you and we will always have you with us.
Leonardo Donato always in our hearts. Our Guardian Angel!
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Andrea Albarran is organizing this fundraiser.